Stable Release: 4.0.4 Windows Installer (64-bit) Windows PortableApps® (64-bit) macOS Arm 64-bit.dmg macOS Intel 64-bit.dmg Source Code Old Stable Release: 3.6. The names mentioned above are just meant for solving problems on smaller grounds. Download Download Wireshark The current stable release of Wireshark is 4.0.4.Sometimes you need an app that does much more than just capture packets. Wifinspect is one of the Brands in terms of a network sniffer. It could ask you to register to get the app. Please, follow next instructions: Press the button and open the official source. You will be taken to the product page on the official store (mostly it is an official website of the app).

The most powerful display filter in the industry.The captured network data can be browsed through the GUI or through the TTY mode TShark utility.Multi-platform: runs on Windows, Linux, macOS, Solaris, FreeBSD, NetBSD and many other platforms.In-depth inspection of hundreds of protocols, and more protocols are being added all the time.